Women in Leadership Conference
The Women in Leadership Conference aims to engage the community and inspire younger women by promoting female role models in leadership positions. A conference that brings together business professionals in Thailand and the region to network and be inspired!

An event that brings together public and private sectors and professionals to discuss contemporary topics relevant to women’s leadership and profile inspiring women leaders.
Network with high profile Thai and Foreign business professionals in Thailand and the region
Promote women in leadership roles
Raise awareness and work towards solutions to bridge the gender gap
Alignment with Canadian Government policy on gender equality

2017 Women in Leadership - Where Are We At In 2017?
H.E. Donica Pottie, Canadian Ambassador to Thailand
Shannon Kalayanamitr, Founder and Group CMO, Orami
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavida Pananond, International Business, Thammasat University
Gregory Enjalbert, Vice-President Asia-Pacific, Bombardier Transportation Rail Control Solutions
Joni Simpson, Senior Specialist, Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination at International Labour Organisation, United Nations
2018 Women in Leadership - The Path to Become a Leader
H.E. Marie-Louise Hannan, Canadian Ambassador to ASEAN, Mission of Canada to ASEAN
Titiya Chooto, Vice-President, Dusit International
Tiziana Sucharitkul, Co-Managing Partner and Director, Dispute Resolution, Tilleke & Gibbins
Oranuch Lerdsuwankij, Co-Founder & CEO, Techsauce Media Co.Ltd.
Joni Simpson, Senior Specialist, Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination at International Labour Organisation, United Nations

2019 Women in Leadership - Defining the Next-Gen
Cindy Sirinya Bishop, Actress, Supermodel, TV Host and Activist
April Srivikorn, Head of Industry, Google Thailand
Rob Candelino, CEO, Unilever Thailand
Ines Caldeira, Managing Director, L’Oreal Thailand
Yvonne Chin, Regional Director, Canadian Commercial Corporation and Co-founder of WIL
2020 Women in Leadership - Vision For Impact
Speakers and Panelists:
Lena Ng, Chief Investment, Officer, AMATA Corporation PCL
Nopparat Aumpa, SAVP/GM, Banyan Tree Bangkok
Pranapda Phornprapha, Director, Siam Motors Group and Founder, Dragonfly 360
Ralyn ‘Lilly’ Satidtanasarn, Young Activist
Emcee: Yvonne Chin, Regional Director, Canadian Commercial Corporation and Co-founder of WIL